Saturday, June 16, 2012

Finally a family of 4!!

Goodness, I haven't posted since we found out I was expecting baby #2!

Ok, so my pregnancy was a nightmare, just like the first time. I was hospitalized several times for hyperemesis (severe morning sickness), and had lots of trouble with that the entire pregnancy. My due date was on April 7th, the day before Easter. My sister and her little family came to visit us that weekend hoping that our baby boy would make his appearance. Of course he decided to wait until 3 days after they left.

I went into labor on the 12th of April. I got to the hospital 3 hours into labor, and was admitted right away. 2 hours later I received my much needed epidural, and that saved my life! At 7 hours into labor, I was fully dilated and ready to get that baby out. It's a very long story, but I'll say this, I don't think my nurse was giving the Dr accurate updates. A full 6 and a half hours later, I was finally able to start pushing. I pushed for 30 min, 5 times, and Austin James was born. He was born on April 13, 2012 (Friday the 13th) at 8:21 am (same time as his mommy). He weighed 6 lbs 13 oz, and was 18.75" long. We are very glad that I was able to avoid a 2nd c-section. This recovery was a walk in the park compared to my recovery from my c-section when Madison was born! We had a bit of a roller coaster in the hospital. He was completely healthy but had pretty severe jaundice. The 2nd night in the hospital he was in the NICU for about 16 hours on UV lights. Luckily, that cleared it up, and he needed no further treatment.

It's now June, and Jon and I just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on the 13th. Madison turned 2 years old on May 25th. She is growing crazy fast! She is an incredibly smart little girl, and the light of our world! She is completely in love with her little brother and wants to play with him and hold him constantly.

I'm very thrilled to say that I'm finally enrolled in school, and am starting in the next couple weeks. It's been a long time coming! I'm going to be getting my associates degree in Medical Administration. Once I get done with that I will be going to nursing school! I'm also working on kick starting my own photography business. So far it's going really well. Check us out at or :)

Austin is now 2 months old, and is doing great! We had his 2 month check up - and shots :( - yesterday. He is a whopping 10 lbs 13 oz and 22.5" long! Growing like a weed!

Here are some more current pictures of our little clan! :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

And Baby makes 4!

In August of this year, we found out that we are expecting baby #2 in April 2012! We are extremely thrilled, and yet again can't wait for this pregnancy to be over! Pregnancy doesn't agree with me at all. It's my method of losing weight. Being diagnosed with hyperemesis (severe morning sickness) has been a challenge with a very active almost 16month old. Despite the sickness, baby is healthy and is growing right on track, due April 7, 2012.
Madison had several health scares the past couple months, but everything is finally resolved. The Drs have finally come to the conclusion that Madison is showing signs of childhood asthma, which she will most likely grow out of. She will be 16 months old in just a few days, and is quite the handful. I had to resign from my job, due to my condition, and love being home with my little munchkin everyday. She's definitely growing into a very energetic, sweet little girl.
The end of August we took a week long vacation up through Amarillo to see the grandparents and up to Denver to visit with my sister. It was a horrifically long car ride, 13ish hours between Houston and Amarillo - 9ish hours between Denver and Amarillo, but we made it in one piece. It was a very much needed trip and well worth it! Madison was able to finally meet her great grandparents!
Well, that's it for now!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Poor Madison!

So Madison is now 14 months old! This past Sunday, in the middle of the night, we ended up in the ER with Madison due to her having a horrific cough. We were there for about 4 hours, and she had several tests done. She had to have blood drawn, a cathetar to get a urine sample, and chest xrays to figure out why she's coughing. The came to the conclusion that she just had a viral infection, so she was given a shot of steroids and sent home with antibiotics for a UTI.

Well, on Monday we ended up taking her back into the ER because her breathing was concering. It was very rapid and she was retracting to where we could see her ribs. Her heart was also racing extremely fast. When we got to the ER the dr immediatly started her on breathing treatments, and ordered another xray. The xray showed about the same cloudiness, but just a little bit more. We found that her stats were low, and her heartrate was racing still. She ended up getting another IV with fluids, because she refused eating or drinking anything that day. The dr told us that she was forsure staying the night, because she didn't feel comfortable with her oxygen levels.

After being there for a few hours and no change in her condition the Dr consulted with the Pediatritians and they said that it would be best to have her in ICU for closer monitoring. Well that hospital doesn't have a peds ICU. So, Madison was transferred, by amubulance, to a bigger hospital with a PICU. We got to the hospital and things were finally starting to look better. She was finally keeping up her oxygen levels and we were expecting her to go home this morning (Tuesday). The dr said that he wanted to keep her another night to make sure that she gets the breathing treatments that she needs.

Today has been a much better day. Her lungs are sounding much better so her breathing treatments switched from every 2 hours to every 4. She's also not requiring any IV fluids, just medicine, becuase she's finally eating and drinking again. Hopefully since she seems to be doing so well, and hasn't had a fever in 24 hours that she'll be getting sent home tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who's been thinking about her and praying for her. It means a lot to us! :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Well.... In May, Madison turned 1 year old! We threw her a party on the 21st, and it went really well. She finally started crawling at the beginning of April (10 months old), but has yet to start walking. Madison is one stubborn child, but you gotta love her!

From April until now, she has had 5 ear infections, and we suspect that she will need tubes in her ears in the near future. She's growing up so fast, and talking all the time. We can't make out everything she says, but she thinks she can talk! :)

I am still working at Portrait Innovations. I am thinking of starting my own photography business some time in either the late summer or early fall of this year. I'm extremely excited to finally be working all for myself and controlling my work schedule 100%. Jon is currently working at McDonalds, and is trying to find a second job so that I can be a stay-at-home mom.

We're planning on taking a week long vacay back home to Denver the end of August. Other then that I don't have much more to say, so until next time, here's some updated pictures of the family! :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wow! 8 months old!

It's been a verryy long time since I've posted! Sorryyy!
Anyways, Madison will be 8 months old in 4 days! She's growing up so fast and getting so big! She's still not crawling yet, but she's discovered that that's not necessary! She prefers to roll to her destination. She's a pro-roller! She gets into anything and everything! On December 13th her first tooth showed up! And, 1 week later, the second one right next to it showed up! So far those are the only two but she's still teething bad, so we think soon! We decided with the neurosurgeon that a cranial helmet isn't needed to correct her head shape. It used to be extremely flat in the back but now it seems to be correcting itself - thank goodness! She is such a happy and healthy baby, and everyday I feel blessed to have her in my life!

Jon is a stay-at-home dad (a.k.a Mr. Mom) at the moment, but looking for work. I work as a photographer at Portrait Innovations. I recently was switched from full-time to part-time which has allowed me to take a CNA (Certified Nursing Assisstant) course at the college! I will be done at the end of February and testing at the end of March. Hopefully soon after testing I will be able to find a job in either a hospital or physician's office! In the class, we have clinicals at a nursing facility, focusing on caring for the elderly. I however would prefer to work more in the area I hope to work in in the future, Labor and Delivery! I'm planning on continuing with credit courses this fall and become and RN, and eventually a NP (Nurse Practitioner).

We did move again into a 2bdrm townhome! It's so much easier having Madison in her own room!! We love it here and plan to stay for a couple of years, mostly because we don't want to move just yet again! :)

Well, that's it for now! I will definitely try to keep y'all updated more!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Settled In!

So we finally moved out of my parents house into an apartment! We absolutely love it! Sadly the day after we signed the lease Jon was laid-off from his job. We'll be fine it will just be rough until he can find another job.

Madison will be 4 months old in 12 days! She's getting so big, so fast! She's learning so much. She's pretty much sitting up supported now, but falls over sometimes. :) She's still having a little trouble getting the rolling over down, however she's so close! We have her "4 month" checkup on October 1st and I will let you know more then but I figured its been a while since the last post I better key everyone in!! :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Madison is 2 1/2 months old!

Well my sister came down this past weekend, and brought Cody to meet is only cousin! We had a blast with them. We spent Monday in Galveston, or rather in the car most of the day! But we had fun with Madison at her first time at the beach (and actually getting in the water!). We hope that we can see them more often so Cody can grow up with Madison. However we won't be able to make it in September with my parents, we're shooting for either Christmas time or Spring Break!

So an update on Madison!! She's about 13 pounds now!! She's getting big so fast! She's starting to lift her head up more when we do tummy time, which is amazing! :) She's all smiles now!! She's still a pretty fussy baby, but it has impoved a whole lot in the past few weeks! She is still doing really good at sleeping thru the night. We usually put her to bed at 11 and she wakes up any where from 630 to 8 which is nice for us! Her physical therapy is going perfect! We've only needed to take her to 1 appointment. They showed us how to do the exercises at home, and they seem to be helping. We're suppose to do them 2x a day, however it makes her very un happy and we've been doing them about 1x a day. Somedays we skip tho :( Not on purpose just because we forget. But it seems to me that if we do it like we're suppose to that it should be corrected in about 2 weeks! We're still planning on taking her to the neuro surgeon to make sure we don't need further treatment for her head shape! :)

Next week on August 20th we'll finally be moving out! We got at place not too far from my parents house in Kingwood! If you want our new address, message me on facebook ( In the next week or so, Jonathon is going to be enlisting in the Navy (the Air Force is still an option but the Navy is more then likely going to be the choice). We're so excited to finally be getting out on our own and starting a new chapter in our lives!!

Madison will be 3 months old on August 25th!! I'll update you again soon! :)